If you are looking for a unique way to promote your company or brand, few things are more effective than using mobile vehicle wraps for your marketing strategy. A single car wrap can generate between 20,000 and 60,000 impressions per day. Traditional forms of advertising, such as local print advertising and blogging, are important, but they are certainly not the only way to spread the word about your business. You are going to want to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
Perks of Vehicle Wrap
Ads on television can cost you tens of thousands of dollars; even running an ad in a local newspaper can be costly. Car wraps are just as effective as traditional forms of marketing for a fraction of the cost. The Outdoor Advertising Association of America has stated that car wraps are the number one most cost-effective form of advertising. They aren’t just a cost-effective way to market your business and company, they will also help increase your overall brand recognition. Consumers are much more likely to recognize your logo, company colors, the font, and even your motto or slogan the second they see it. Branding is always an excellent way to make sure your company’s name is in everyone's mind. Having a strong brand presence will increase your company’s legitimacy. Consumers will see your brand as a top leader in your industry. They will likely be encouraged to visit your website or stop by your store in person.
Vehicle wrap advertising is a great fit for all businesses. There isn't one area of business where vehicle wrapping works better for them than another. At Elite tinting & Graphics, we understand that transportation and trucking companies need to have effective branding on their vehicles, as their vehicles are always traveling and on the road. Given the nature of their business, some businesses will benefit greatly from vehicle wraps. A great example of this is local restaurants and craft breweries. It helps to get your name seen around your local community. You want your community to know your name, and you want as many people as possible to stop by to check you out and hopefully become customers. Any shop that’s local can benefit from a vehicle wrap for some local exposure.

What should you include on your vehicle wrap?
In order to ensure that your car wrap has the best and biggest possible impact on consumers, you will need to determine what you would like to include in your design. We suggest that you have your company’s name and logo serve as the focal point of the wrap. When planning it out, it's best if the logo and company’s name are not broken up by windows or car doors, if possible. You are going to want to Make sure that your design includes your contact information. Most companies decide to use a window decal on the back window to list their most important information, which for tends to be the contact information. It's also very important that your car wrap is completely consistent with the way your branding looks online and on other promotional print materials. Consistency is what creates brand recognition.
Elite Tinting & Graphics has got you covered with our custom car wraps. Our high-quality vinyl wraps will not only enhance the appearance of your vehicle but also provide protection against wear and tear, sun damage, and minor scratches. Call us today to get a quote and see what we can do for your vehicle.